TICADVサイドイベント英語版案内を掲載しました / 2nd June | Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD V) Official Side Event will be held!!


From June 1st to 3rd、The 5th Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD V) will be held in Yokohama.

It has been decided, that The Child Labor Network will also be hosting for the side event.

 Contrary to the world wide declining tendency, in the south of Sahara of Africa, child labor is increasing and the number of youth (age 15 - 17) involved in dangerous or injurious work is increasing across the world.

  Child Labor prevents the healthy growth of children, Africa's human development, and is a major development task that concerns the human resource development of the next generation and an obstacle to achieve MDGs1 and 3.

  We will introduce how the Japanese NGO, firms, International organizations have been dealing with the elimination of child labor in Africa, and will hold a symposium to think about the African Development from different angles such as the standpoint of the children and youth.

  Please Join us!!

 ⇒For more information, please check here.